Friday, May 20, 2011

Thrifty gifties :-)

Along Dana’s day-old-bagel lines, I too like to make off-peak purchases especially when it comes to gift supplies. I was finding the thrill of buying the perfect gift for someone at a bargain price was quickly diminished after the cashier rang up a card and gift wrap and the total was close to half the amount of the gift itself! Now I keep a container in my closet where I store gift bags, wrapping paper, tissue paper and ribbons. I stock up on these after Christmas, buying the most neutral ones I can find. I’ve noticed that many stores discount not just the Christmas-themed paper and bags but also solids as well. So I snatch those up and use them year round.

You don’t have to wait until Christmas to build up your supply. Today I found greeting cards for $1 so I stocked up on birthday, anniversary, thank you and congratulations cards. When you compare this to the $4+ they charge at Hallmark, it’s a steal! I keep them all in a shoebox (sorted by category) in the same closet I store my wrapping supplies. With cards for all occasions, I’m always prepared when a card-worthy event pops up and I’m no longer caught off guard when my husband informs me that dinner we are on our way to is actually for someone’s birthday. The important thing is to get the most generic cards (not directed specifically at the sender’s sister, for example) so you’ll be sure to be able to use them.

Some other cheap options:
The 99 cent store is another place to turn when you need gift bags or tissue paper.

When people give me a gift in a bag, after I open the gift I fold up the bag and add it to my arsenal. Most people don’t even bother to write on the tag attached to the bag and if they do, I tear it off.

What do you do to save on gift wrap expenses?

What other items do you buy off-peak?

E. of J.A.D.E.

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