Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Tea Exchange

Here's an idea for all of you tea lovers out there...
Do a tea exchange!
Myself and some girlfriends at work today did one and its a great way to try new teas before you go out and buy a whole box (without knowing whether or not you will actually like it).
Here's the idea. You and your friends agree on a date and on that day each of you brings in a tea bag for each of the other people. Depending on how many of you decide to do this you could end up with a box chock full of varying teas to try.
Today I ended up with Green Tea, Ti Kuan Yin Tea, Lipton Tea, etc.
It's lots of fun and a great way to get some super sampling on with little effort/cost...

Give it a try, maybe you will end up finding your new favorite tea flavor!

D of J.A.D.E.

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