Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The 99 Cent Store!

For some shopping at the 99 Cent store is a secret obsession, for others it's something you wear proudly because you know that a truly savvy shopper values the great deals that can be found there. Others haven't yet taken the time to stop into a 99 Cent store, for those of you, I say do it now!

I strongly suggest to those of you who live near a 99 Cent store to stop in (if it's not already part of your regular routine)...gone are the days of the 99 Cent store only selling no name products and second rate quality.

Here is a list of some of the most recent, AMAZING, bargains that I found at the 99 Cent store...all name brands I might add!

Pack of three Sorrento String Cheese for 99 Cents
4 Yoplait Yogurts for 99 Cents
Various Pastas for 59 Cents a box
Land O' Lakes Butter 99 Cents for a box of four sticks
Greeting Cards for all occasions 99 Cents each
Irish Spring Bars of Soap (2 Pack) 99 Cents
VO5 Shampoo and Conditioner in various scents 99 Cents

And the list goes on!
Don't be afraid to make the 99 Cent store part of your shopping experience, trust me, you won't be disappointed!

D of J.A.D.E.


  1. Great tip! They're also great for canned goods. :D

  2. Good one! We load up on ibuprofen, toothbrushes, toothpaste, ironing starch, and disposable razors to name a few more.
